COVID19- Supplement & Lifestyle Protocol

Below are 2 similar viral respiratory infection protocols (to shorten the sickness duration) that my 2 favorite root-cause/ functional medicine Doctors suggest. I am not affiliated with any of these supplement manufacturers, do not profit financially, and have personally purchased most that I didn’t already have.

You’ll notice the various brands they suggest are from high grade, respected sources and the occassional compounded pharmacy. Some are already expensive so be mindful of 3rd party sellers that have jacked up the price on Amazon.

  1. -Dr Wardwell’s Respiratory Infection Supplement & Immunity Protocol:

Vitamin D3 100,000 IU daily for 3 days only. You can find a liquid Vitamin D 1000 IU and take 100 drops or high potency capsules with 50,000 IU and take 2 daily. Vitamin D does build up in your system and taking high doses for prolonged times can cause liver failure. This can be additive with other medications that effect the liver so it is important to take this into consideration.

Viracid by Orthomolecular
2 tab every hour for 6 hours, repeat daily until symptoms are gone (usually 1-3 days).

Viracid contains the following nutraceuticals -(f this were on back order- purchase these separately): Black Elderberry (Sambucol brand is one that I have used in the past)- 2 teaspoons 4 times a day. This both boosts your immune system & is directly anti viral. L-Lysine 6 grams per day. This is an amino acid that inhibits viral replication. Andriographis, which is anti viral and boosts your immune system. Echinacea Purpura, which works by boosting your immune system.

Usually the combination of Viracid and high doses of Vitamin D3 does the trick for upper respiratory infections. Covid-19 is more lethal than the flu and I would not expect it to be as easy to treat as the usual common cold however.

The next most important therapies are:

Vitamin C (Ascorbate rather than Ascorbic acid is preferred)
I like the Perque Potent C Guard best.
3 grams 3 times a day if you are sick and 3 grams 1-2 times per day as a preventative. Vitamin C can help diminish the Cytokine storm that is from your body’s immune response to the virus and which causes much of the destruction in the lungs.
Another more potent therapy using primarily Vitamin C is an Intravenous drip. In Shanghai, they have been effectively treating Covid-19 using high dose

IV Vitamin C (15-30 grams 1-2 times/day for only a few days in row). If oral supplements were not working then this would be my next step up. This is not safe for patients with Sickle Cell or a G6PD deficiency.

Astragalus (Gaia makes a good Astragalus product)
This can help reduce binding of the virus to the lung tissue and it also helps to support the immune system.

Beta-Glucans from medicinal mushrooms such as Chaga, Turkey tail, Reishi and Shitake mushrooms. Orthomolecular Products makes a good extract version called Wholeimmune and Host Defense is another brand that makes a great blend called My Community. Beta Glucans increase Natural Killer cells that are a key part of the immune system that helps fight viruses. This would be a good preventative herbal medicine as well as a good inclusion in treatment. Some brands of medicinal mushrooms can have fungal contaminants or be contaminated with the fungicides that are used to prevent this. That is why for these products I would only stick with the two recommended brands listed above.

Zinc- I like Reacted Zinc by Orthomolecular products 1 tab /day Zinc is essential for your body to mount an immune response. I often find patients who have recurrent or chronic infections to be deficient in zinc and adding this can make all the difference at preventing the next infection or effectively treating the current one.

Vitamin A- 100,000 IU per day for 3 days. This is not safe for pregnant women and is not safe to continue for longer periods of time because it is a fat soluble vitamin that will build up in your body. Incorporating orange vegetables such as sweet potato or carrots can help increase your Vitamin A (1 sweet potato may contain about 20,000 IU of Vitamin A).

Oregano Oil and Thyme Oil – These have anti viral properties and one preparation that I have used in the past is called Candibactin AR by metagenics or Candicid Forte.

Berberine or Goldenseal- Candibactin BR by Metagenics contains berberine, which has anti viral properties and helps to reduce inflammation and improves detoxification pathways.

Silver Hydrosol- Silver has anti viral properties because it carries oxygen free radicals that work much like hydrogen peroxide or bleach but it is safe for human consumption. Argentyn 23 or the less potent Sovereign Silver are the only types of Silver Hydrosol that I would recommend as other forms of colloidal silver can contain contaminants that can permanently stain skin blue.
Follow the instructions on the bottle for how to take this.

Sinus Rinses can be very effective at reducing the viral load in your sinuses, which reduces the amount that drips down into your lungs. The Xlear nasal spray or rinse has xyllitol and some preparations have grapefuit seed extract or rosemary and thyme oil. These are directly anti-viral and can be used 2-3 spray/ nostril 3-4 times per day.

In case of back orders, here are natural anti-viral lifestyle suggestions:

Water is a natural anti-histamine and drinking water regularly throughout the day reduces the contamination from the sinuses into the lungs by washing the virus into the stomach where the stomach acid will kill it. Try to drink 3 liters of water a day if you are sick and at least 2 liters a day if you are not.

When patients are sick, I recommend following an Alkaline Way diet. In general, avoiding alcohol, coffee, grains and breads, dairy and red meat during an active cold can help reduce the amount of mucous and phlegm and maintaining are more alkaline state can help to boost immunity. Green Tea is a great substitute for coffee if you are sick. The number one thing to avoid if you are hoping to avoid getting sick or are already sick is Sugar. It is a potent immunosuppressant. Alcohol is also an immunosuppressant so be sure to avoid this as well.

Be sure to get to sleep before midnight. if you do not sleep, your immune system will be compromised. This can mean using Benadryl to knock you out, which may also help reduce some symptoms of a cold such as sinus congestion. I have also found Magnolia bark extract (a product called Sedalin by Xymogen, you can order from their website using my practitioner code: SFIIRM1341 ) to be very effective for inducing sleep because it works by lowering cortisol, which is usually responsible for an over active mind in bed. CBD can also be effective at inducing sleep and there are tinctures that blend that with passionflower, lemon balm and other mild herbal sedatives that can be a good approach to inducing a restorative sleep.

Stress Reduction!
These are stressful times. Deep breaths, Imagine everything works out. Unplugging from your phone and the news can be necessary. Maybe check once a day when it is important but don’t spend all day obsessing about it.
Another exercise can be to just lay on the earth in the grass or on a rock or going for a walk in nature. These can all help to get our minds and bodies back into a more natural state and out of the buzz and hum of the modern era that can be more stress inducing than our ancient mind and bodies were made to endure for extended periods of time.

If you are actively sick, exercise is not likely to be indicated. As a preventative, high intensity interval training is a great way of improving your blood flow, lymphatic drainage, anabolic hormone production, autonomic nervous system tone and due to all of these factors, improve your immune system.

2. FunctionalMedicineSF founder dr daniel’s Covid19 Supplement & Immunity Protocol:


1. Vitamin D3: 5000 IUs daily is an appropriate for most adults. Use this with food containing fat.
Option: Thorne Vitamin D/K2 Liquid, product code T00018.

2. Vitamin A: 5000-10,000 IUs is an appropriate dose for most adults, but please limit to 5000 IUs if you are pregnant. Use this with food containing fat. Option: Klaire Labs Micellized Vitamin A, product code ACELL.

3. Zinc piconlinate: 30-60 mg per day.
Option: Thorne, 60 caps T20022 and 180 caps T21029

4. Andrographis: 1 dropperful twice per day
Option: Wise Woman Herbals or Earth Ashram Herbals on Etsy. (Do not use in pregnancy).

5. NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine): 500 mg twice a day.
Option: Thorne NAC, product code T60029.

6. Argentyn Silver Throat Spray:
Option: Bioactive Silver Hydrosyl Throat Spray, 1 ounce is product code A31296 and 2 oz is ARGS2.

7. Beyond Balance IMN-V: Start with 3–5 drops, 2 times a day. Gradually increase to 12–15 drops, 2 times a day. (Do not use in pregnancy).

*8. Low Dose Naltrexone (compounded RX): 0.5-4.5 mg per day (has immunomodulating properties, which may prevent infection or severity of infection).

9. Alinia - Nitazoxanide (RX for high risk population only): 500 mg twice a day (this is an anti-parasitic which was effective for SARS). (Do not use in pregnancy). * = require prescriptions should you have a provider whom you can ask about these.


1. Vitamin C: 1000 mg every 15-30 minutes to bowel tolerance. If symptoms not reversing in 12-24 hours, then increase to 2000 mg every 15-30 minutes to bowel tolerance. If possible, can also use IV Vitamin C, 25 grams once a day for 7 days. There are services like IV Doc that offer in home treatment for instance.
Option: Designs for Health Buffered Vitamin C, product code BUF15.

2. Quercetin: 1000-2000 mg three times daily (acts as a zinc ionophore preventing viral replication inside the cell).
Option: Jarrow Quercetin, product code J40528. (Do not use in pregnancy).

4. Beyond Balance IMN-VII: Start with 1–2 drops, 2 times a day. Gradually increase by 1–2 drops, 2 times a day until desired results are achieved. Dosage does not usually exceed 12–15 drops, 2 times a day. (Do not use in pregnancy).

For sensitive people: You may need to start with 1 drop every 3–5 days. Gradually increase weekly until 1 drop a day is tolerated. You may then repeat process to accommodate second dose per day. Dosage does not usually exceed 12–15 drops, 2 times a day.

5. Colloidal Silver in a Nebulizer: still clarifying dosage.
Option: Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, 32 ounces is product code A3138.

6. Melatonin: use 10-50 mg at bedtime.
Option: Vital Nutrients Melatonin 10 mg, product code is MEL20. (Do not use in pregnancy).

7. Increase Vitamin D3 to 50000 IUs x 3 days only then reduce dose again (can become toxic if high doses for prolonged period of time).

8. Increase Vitamin A to 50,000-100,000 x 3 days only then reduce again (can become toxic if high doses for prolonged period of time). (Do not use in pregnancy).

9. Hydroxychloroquine - Plaquenil (400 mg twice a day x 1 day then 200 mg twice a day x 4 more days) (this is an. anti-malarial drug used commonly for certain autoimmune diseases like RA and lupus that appears to act as a zinc ionophore preventing viral replication inside the cell). (Do not use in pregnancy).

10. Alinia - Nitazoxanide: 500 mg twice a day (this is an anti-parasitic which was effective for SARS). (Do not use in pregnancy).

if/When to go to the hospital:

It is important to know when home care is not working and when it is time to head in to an urgent care for a chest x-ray and evaluation or when to head to the Emergency Room. Waiting too long to do this in hopes that any home remedies will help you turn the corner can be hazardous to your health. If your condition is worsening, you are having trouble breathing, high fevers, extreme fatigue and you are concerned for your health, then you should contact your doctor’s office and if nothing else put on your surgical mask and head into the the urgent care or ER to be evaluated. While quarantine and minimizing public exposure is important, there is a time when it is right to be evaluated for other interventions, such as treating a bacterial superinfection in the lungs or when a patient might need to be intubated. Please use your best judgement and if your are uncertain contact you doctor for guidance on when this is right in your case.

My hope in providing this information to you is that it will help give you a further sense of control and thus reduce your stress. It is very likely that new therapies will emerge for treatment, such as anti viral medicines and prevention, such as a vaccine, that will help make the Coronavirus much like the measles or at worst like the Influenza virus. Until then, following the guidelines that the WHO and the CDC have recommended, which are largely mitigation practices of hygiene and social distancing and adding the therapies listed above when indicated can help to keep our hospitals available to the patients who will need it the most.